Tourist impression about Indonesia
10 Brazilian Tourist impression about Indonesia
Impression About Indonesia
If the timeline Traveler noticed a half years ago, I had
time to post a short story about a friend from Brazil to Indonesia by using the
hashtag #TurisBrasil. Yes, at Daniel. We met the first time in a sleazy hostel
in a small town called Puerto Varas in Chile when I #TNTrtw year. From there
the one we finally get together in the next cities in Chile.
Several months after I returned from #TNTrtw, we chat.
Turns out he was inspired by my RTW trip a year. Gokilnya, he also resigned
from his office at the number one bank in Brazil (he's an IT Analyst) and go
sightseeing RTW for eight months! In short, on my invitation in April 2014 he
came first in Indonesia. Initially stayed in Bali 10 days, the same way I was
in Jakarta and Bandung for a week.
After more than two weeks in Indonesia, I asked him what
his impressions against Indonesia. It can not be generalized - let alone in
three big cities, but I somehow agree with his words. Here's the one he says:
1. Natural Indonesia wonderful. No need to be discussed
again. I supersetuju. In accordance with the motto of our tourism huh?
2. People Indonesia are friendly. It does never doubted
by any foreign tourists.
3. In Indonesia, she felt suddenly become an artist.
Because a lot of people in Indonesia who invites photos together,
including in Bali. All my bule friends must have felt it. Somehow from the
first until now, we hooked the very same photo Caucasians. Peak when we were at
Kawah Putih in West Java. I so feel like a broker because it is often asked for
permission by ... dozens of people!
4. People of Indonesia can not be separated from the
He was very surprised to see the Indonesia wherever definitely glued to
the phone screen, including in the restaurant when people sit at the table,
face to face - even when you're talking one on one. He was also surprised to
see us in person has power bank saking high level of dependence. I wrote which
included rarely played phone - especially when eating, still considered
outrageous. Jleb really is not it?
5. The behavior of the Indonesian people drive pretty
Almost all drive cars and motorcycles do not obey the rules. The red
light is violated, there are people crossing at the crosswalk but no one
stopped vehicle, the sidewalks were using that for parking and selling,
motorcycle weaving in the middle lane of cars, motorcycles and trucks were
overloaded, and so forth. More surprisingly again as he never saw a police
patrol car leisurely walk in the opposite direction in a state of not chasing
criminals. Well you know!
6. People Indonesia rooster English. Given the Brazilian
people very rarely speak English (even throughout Latin America), the
Indonesian people so it looks good at. In Indonesia, the sweeper can show
directions in English. English pronunciation of Indonesia's most understandable
than other Asians. Even we could suddenly switch to English in the middle of
sentences in Indonesian language. Hmm ... is that good or bad huh? #ketularan
7. Bule considered to be higher in rank than the people
of Indonesia itself.
At first she did not feel the same as always kongkow
fellow Western tourists in Bali. But once she was the same way I, plasticity
very people we just ignored me. The most serious incident when we were clubbing
in Eastern Promise in the Kemang area. The waitress just invites her way, while
I ogled not. No matter what I order, certainly ignored. While so he orders,
advance directly so friendly waitress. So bener right? Do not make it all the
way to everywhere, even in our own countries we are exposed to racial
discrimination by the nation itself. Huh.
8. Cuisines pigs in Indonesia is the most delicious felt
in her life,
whereas in a country with a Muslim population in the world. Hehe!
At that time, he invites me to eat noodles carsiu use honey crisp. Well,
Indonesian cuisine - whatever its cuisine - the world's most comfortable weve
9. Massage Indonesia is the most delicious in the world,
cheap too! In addition to a Balinese massage, twice I asked her reflexology and
traditional massage. With a price of less than $ 10 for 1.5 hours, he said
really cheap. Melepasmu, so I really love Indonesia!
10. Pleased with the concept of karaoke in Indonesia.
Generally he is a musician and fond of singing, karaoke is one of his favorite
activities. But only karaoke in Indonesia shaped private room with a good sound
system and a selection of songs that a lot, and an affordable price. That he
was amazed, songs in Portuguese was there, like Ai Se Eu Te Pego and his Barra
Barra Michel Teló who also frequently sung bands bar Indonesia.
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